Reviews & Endorsements Continued

Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables
“Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a hardcover Christian picturebook of eight, engaging animal parables, each of which shares an invaluable life lesson based upon God’s Word. For example, one fable leads to the moral “True happiness can’t be found / as a goal we must achieve; / When we know God’s love for us, / it’s a gift that we receive.” Additional “Wisdom of the World” and “Wisdom of the Word” passages offer insights from notable human beings and passages of the Bible, respectively. A glossary rounds out this wonderful storybook, highly recommended for Christian families to read aloud and share.”
“We were privileged to be interviewed by Jeanne Dennis of Heritage of Truth TV when we were at Christian Product Expo International. You can hear the interview on her website by clicking the button below.”
“Finding reading material for children that is appropriate and engaging can be a challenge.
This is especially difficult for Christian parents, as inappropriate content increasingly finds its way into even children’s literature. This is why I am so enthused about Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables by Michael and Sarah Dowling. The engaging stories, godly content, and extremely beautiful illustrations combine into a book
that I truly believe will become a modern-day classic.
The Dowlings are to be commended for creating a book that draws in readers of many age groups. There are great story lines, conclusions that affirm faith and values, and even a glossary with definitions for words that it is important for all to know. Children everywhere need to learn lessons about God and morals— and “Frog’s Rainy-Day Story” present such truths in a uniquely effective way.”
Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a beautifully illustrated book filled with stories that cause us to stop and ponder… a great read-aloud book for families.
“Biblical worldview education is a very high priority at our school. I always jump at the chance to check out new books/curriculum that might help our teachers convey truth to our students on a daily basis. When I received my copy of Frog’s Rainy-Day Story, I knew that I needed to purchase one for each classroom and several for our library. The stories themselves are simple enough for our lower elementary to comprehend, and yet when we supplement the book with the ‘Burrowing Deeper’ study guide, we can challenge our middle school and high school students to think deeply about some worldview questions. I strongly recommend the book for anyone who wishes to prepare the next generation for what they will face when they go out into the world. When it comes to Biblical worldview education, you can never start too young. There is so much at stake!”
“A beautiful children’s book that contrasts the world view’s and God’s view regarding life principles. In our ever growing ‘self-first’ culture, this book allows children and adults to truly see the ‘foolish wisdom of the world’ juxtaposed against ‘God’s wisdom’ allowing the reader to choose the path that brings blessings!”
“As a pastor, theologian, and father of three (4, 3, and 1!), I can not more highly recommend Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables. The Dowling’s have a much needed and too often neglected insight into the power of stories to shape and mold our thoughts and ideas about the very nature of reality. With Frog’s Rainy-Day, they have packaged quite powerful and enduring Christian truth claims in an accessible and winsome package that will be a delight for all parents and grandparents looking for a tool to help ‘instruct a child in the way he should go'” (Proverbs 22:6).
“Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is wonderful! I am asking our denominational bookstore manager to add it to our website and order copies for us to share and sell at upcoming conferences. Thank you for sending us information to share. I promise that it will be placed into the hands of parents and children’s ministry workers in the PCA. I also will be ordering four copies as gifts for my children who parent all eleven of my grandchildren, plus one copy for my church preschool. Bless you.”
“A clever and thought-provoking response to the false narratives that thread our culture.”
“Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables has a wonderful way with words and with teaching important life-lessons too. Who knew Aesop-style morality tales could be so charming?”
“The timeless moral messages Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables will both entertain and convict today’s readers. If there were ever a picture book for all ages–this is it!”
“Michael and Sarah Dowling have composed a rare jewel—a book that is thought-provoking, humorous, simple, profound, and beautiful all wrapped up in one small, delightful package. Mike’s text is clear, and his stories demonstrate a subtlety and care that so many books written for children eschew in the modern era. Sarah’s illustrations exhibit such a joy and winsomeness that I can see in my mind’s eye children begging their parents to read to them from ‘the Froggy book one more time.’ The book also manages to be theologically astute and thoroughly engaging at the same time. I could not recommend it more highly for readers of any age.”
“Delightfully illustrated and deeply insightful!”
“This clever book is a valuable resource that the church today so desperately needs.”
“Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables provides powerful insight into the differences between a biblical worldview and the thinking of this world. An excellent book for both children and adults!”
“Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables is a rich delight for little hearts! Wonderful as a bible supplement study for children and as a catalyst for daily devotions. Great discussion topics for the family. The artwork captivates the imagination!”
“Michael Dowling’s delightful Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables encourages critical thinking by youngsters (and oldsters as well) about fundamental Christian family values in today’s world, where these teachings are relentlessly being challenged. Sarah Dowling’s lovely illustrations add winsome appeal. This highly creative and meaningful work of art by a talented husband/wife team will enrich the lives of children and adults.”
“This book is a charming and effective way to use to speak with your children about the differences between the wisdom that is being promoted in our wider society and biblical wisdom. As I seek to raise my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, I have so appreciated having this book as way to begin conversations and help them (even at 10 and 8) to think critically and not just go with what they hear and see around them. I highly recommend this book for children (and adults too), and have no doubt that you will benefit greatly from going through these pointed fables.”
“Award-winning author Michael Dowling has written a lively, imaginative, and enlightening text, beautifully illustrated by his award-winning artist wife Sarah. These modern-day fables combine the best of Aesop’s classic method with in-depth knowledge of contemporary departures from sound wisdom and common sense. The Dowlings express the hope that the stories will provide the readers with ‘fresh insights and plenty of chuckles,’ and will enrich us with timeless truths, and the book fully fulfills that desire.
“The opening tale, which tells us of a revolt by the letters of the alphabet, sets the tone, alerting us to deeply held convictions that have caused untold frustration and even misery for millions of unsuspecting people. The rhymed moral at the end shows how well the Dowlings know how to guide us to profound truths that can set us free from popular nonsense: ‘We’re made for a much larger story, which we miss when we seek our own glory.’
“At the conclusion of every chapter comes a page contrasting “Wisdom of the World” with ‘Wisdom of the Word,’ with representative quotations from leading representatives of our culture and key passages from the Bible.
“A Glossary gives definitions of words that might not be familiar to all readers from their intended audience of children with a second to third grade reading level. The ‘Burrowing Deeper’ study guide contains questions “to stimulate further reflection and discussion for all ages,” making this very attractive book perfect for teaching as well as entertainment.
“Sarah Dowling’s illustrations not only delight the eyes and draw us into the story, but also skillfully depict the theme and tone of each story.
“All in all, I couldn’t think of a better gift to children or their parents than Frog’s Rainy-Day Story and Other Fables.”